Cancer Information
Screening programmes in the Isle of Man
There are three cancer screening programmes on the Isle of Man, these are Bowel, Breast and Cervical.
Breast Screening
Breast screening aims to detect breast cancer at an early stage as the sooner cancer is the detected the more effective treatment will be.
If you are aged between 50 and 70 years old and registered with a GP in the Isle of Man, you will be invited to participate in the breast screening programme every two years.
If you are aged 71 or over and would like to have a mammogram, you can arrange this by contacting the screening service on telephone 01624 685339.
The Breast Screening Unit is based at:
Noble’s hospital, Strang, Braddan, Isle of Man
Tel: 01624 650000
To find out more about this programme please visit the government website by clicking here.
You can download the Macmillan Understanding Breast Screening booklet by clicking here. This booklet is also available from the Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Service.
It is important to know what your breasts feel like normally and by regularly checking your breasts you can present to your GP if you feel or see anything unusual for you. Please click here to see a guide from Breast Cancer Care on changes to look out for.
Other useful sources of information with regards breast screening are:
- Macmillan Cancer Support
- UK NHS Breast Screening Programme
- OPERA – an online tool for those concerned about the hereditary risk of Breast or Ovarian Cancer
If you have any concerns or are experiencing any symptoms, please do not wait for your breast screening invitation – please contact your GP as soon as possible.
Bowel Screening
Bowel Screening aims to detect bowel cancer at anearly stage, before people are experiencing anysymptoms, when treatment is more effective.If diagnosed early, bowel cancer is highly treatable.However not all bowel cancers are detected early; some arediagnosed too late.
If you are aged between 60 and 75 years old and you are registered with a GP in the Isle of Man, you will be offered the option to participate in bowel screening every two years.
If you are aged between 60 – 75and have not received a bowel screening kit, please call 0800 707 6060.
To find out more about this programme please visit the government website by clicking here
You can download the Macmillan Understanding Bowel Cancer Screening booklet by clicking
This booklet is also available from the Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Service.
Other useful sources of information with regards bowel screening are:
If you have any concerns or are experiencing new symptoms please speak with your GP.
Cervical Screening
Cervical screening, also known as a smear test, is used to detect any abnormalities in the cervix. The aim is to detect any cell abnormalities before they become cancerous. Women between 25 and 64 years old are eligible for a free cervical screening test every three to five years.
The test is conducted by a doctor or a nurse and you can have this done at your local GP practice or at the Staywell Clinic, Noble’s Hospital.
To find out more about this screening programme please visit the government website by clicking here
You can also download the Macmillan Understanding Cervical Screening booklet by clicking
This booklet is also available from the Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Service
If you have any concerns or are experiencing new symptoms please speak with your GP
Staywell Clinic
The Staywell Clinic is held at Noble’s Hospital Women’s & Children’s Outpatient Department on Monday & Thursday evenings from 6.15pm.
To make an appointment, please telephone 01624 642638
Have you received a letter asking you to attend a cervical screening test? Please don’t ignore it….it’s too important!
Can’t get away during the daytime to visit your GP surgery? The Staywell Clinic offers evening appointments with female-only staff. Staywell Clinic also offer a blood pressure check and advice on breast self-examination.
The Staywell Clinic is funded by Isle of Man Anti-Cancer Association
Other useful sources of information with regards cervical screening are:
- Macmillan Cancer Support
- OPERA – an online tool for those concerned about hereditary risk of breast or ovarian cancer:
The Staywell Clinic is fully funded by
Isle of Man Anti-Cancer Association
Support from the MCISS
We hope you find the information that you need. If there is anything you can’t find, please contact the Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Service (MCISS).
They can be found at the Main Entrance to Noble’s Hospital in Douglas, and are open Monday to Friday, 9am to 4:30pm. You can contact them by phone on 01624 650735 or email them.