Isle of Man Cancer Services User Forum

About us

The Isle of Man Cancer Services User Forum (CSUF) was formed in 2003 by a group of individuals whose lives had been affected by cancer, since them it has worked tirelessly to represent the voice of anyone affected by cancer. The core group is voluntary and made up of current and former cancer patients, their carers/families/relatives/friends, members of voluntary organisations and health service professionals all who regularly attend the monthly meetings.

The Forum contributes to the ongoing development of cancer services in the Isle of Man by providing ideas and feedback from those living with cancer to the Health Services at a strategic level.

Some of our current core group members include;

  • Chairperson – Derek Peters
  • Deputy Chairperson – Julie Stokes
  • Treasurer – David Gawne

Every two months the forum hosts a “Meet the Consultant” evening. This event is unique, it is where we regularly invite the hospital cancer specialists to present themselves to the public in an informal way. This is very successful and well supported by the consultants and members of the public. It also serves as an informal ‘drop in session’ and is open to the public. These sessions provide service users and professionals with an opportunity to come together to feedback and offer an insight to the cancer care on the Island and allow health professionals to feedback developments in the services. To find out about our upcoming events, click here.

We hold our Annual General Meeting (AGM) in May where the officers report on the previous years activities and the members elect officers for the coming year. The AGM is attended by all our core group members and we welcome members of the general public, health care professionals and other charities.

What do we do?

The forum works independently to:

  • Represent the voice of cancer service users on the Isle of Man
  • Feedback users’ viewpoints to the Cancer Strategy Group
  • Liaise with other forums and cancer service providers both on and off the Island
  • Ensure the development of the cancer services are; achievable, realistic and patient centered
  • Work with cancer charities, we have a seat on the Council of Cancer Charities and other third sector